Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jon & Sylvia~ August 6th

Think vintage inspiration and you can pretty much imagine Jon and Sylvia's wedding. Ultra chic with country flair. It was a perfect combination of Sylvia's Ontario upbringing with Jon's Carleton County influence.

The day started out HOT! Humidity was unreal! Thankfully the entire wedding party stayed looking fresh throughout the entire day (I'm still not sure how they managed it :)

Jon and Sylvia, your wedding was fantastic to shoot! Thanks for including Amber Autumn Photography in your special day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Little Liam Update


My nephew is pretty much perfect... ok, that maaayyy be a bit of a stretch of the truth, but I'd say he's close to perfection...

We have laughing contest, and yelling contest, and stomp your foot on the floor the most contest.

Here's a few shots of him from this summer...

P.s. Ideally, all children should be photographed daily, because that's how CRAZY fast they grow, TOO FAST!

Liam's 'Blue Steel'

Gardner Liam..

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned, babies are tired, uncooperative, and you take the picture anyway...

And sometimes they just need a little lovin'...

Family discussion on tattoo's, on Cananda Day..

Yeoman Family

I got together with Tonya, Curtis and Dylan one evening, on one of my many visits to Moncton this summer (a certain nephew of mine keeps drawing be back:)). The Yeoman's are the type of family that are ultra cute in family photographs, the kind that coordinate but aren't too match-y, the kind that almost always look at the camera (instead of pretending it doesn't exist, yes, those type of people DO end up in front of my camera from time to time), but mostly they are the type of family that smiles! Dylan is sooooo smiley, just say his name and he shoots you a grin... Ladies man? Maybe! But for the sake of family pictures, we'll take what we can get! Check out what I'm talking about...

Juli-Grad Party

Julia was home-schooled, so when graduation came around her parents threw a graduation/prom party in honour of her accomplishments...

There was a candy buffet and coconut cream pie, they throw a mean party!